You are a community of approximately 50 trillion living cells, each one a conscious individual with its own life and function, interacting with other cells in the world – or community that is YOU.
Here is ‘ME,’ sentient being, living in the eco-system we call Gaia, also a living, sentient being, part of the wider eco-system of our Universe. And in the world of quantum physics, where matter and energy are so deeply entangled they cannot be considered independent elements, we can’t help but see the interconnectedness of everything, and the Universe as a unified, animated whole.
With Power Comes Accountability…
We have the power of choice. The power to shift our perceptions. To change and to take responsibility for those choices. The magic of it all is that we change our environment simply by being in it. Our sheer presence is our power. Our ‘assignment’ is to bring consciousness, or at least awareness to the alchemical process of being.
The relevance of this is apparent if we consider that our good health, Gaia’s good health – potentially rippling out and affecting the health of the entire Universe, is when there is harmony between all the components of our community. Meaning you, me, the cells on the tip of a firefly’s tail. The macro to the micro and back again.
Cooperation vs. Competition
Curiously, the Latin origin of compete (competere) is, “to seek together, to come together, agree.” Before entering the cooperation vs. competition debate, we first need to make a distinction between competition and rivalry – which is the opposite of harmony. And second, consider that Darwin’s ‘survival of the fittest’ is no longer the only theory du jour. The more current worldview, ‘New Biology,’ is based on cooperation, and suggests that we would not be able to live – even more dramatically, this world would not exist without cooperation. It makes sense, as we are absolutely dependent on the cooperation of everyone around us, even if it is to agree to disagree. No matter how you cut it, when everything is stripped away, we find we are in agreement. And seeing as we are made up of organized teams of brilliant, living processes, we are also completely dependent on cooperation within. What an awe inspiring thought.
Love and Compassion
An amazing thing happened when I began to consider this all this. My heart opened. I was humbled by the exquisite design and began to feel my connection to everything on a new level. I really got how important it is to pay attention to my thoughts while making sure to befriend who I am. To practice loving kindness toward self and all that contains, as well as toward what exists ‘outside’ of me.
And to remember…
“You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop.” ~ Rumi
Bruce Lipton –