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  • Writer's pictureAnna West

16 Reasons to Start Oil Swishing

What Is It? Transformational or Crazy Magic?

“Oil pulling” or “oil swishing” has been around for centuries. It is an ancient Ayurvedic remedy for oral health and is a great general detox. Basically, you “swish” or “pull” a teaspoon of pure oil through your teeth for fifteen to twenty minutes. The oil pulls harmful bacteria and other nasty organisms out of the mouth, teeth, gums and throat.

Sounds kinda gross, right? But I’ve tried it, and believe me… it’s amazing!

How To Do It

I prefer to swish oil in the morning. You can even do it while showering. However or wherever you do it, remember to spit it out into a waste bin, not down the drain.

You can use high quality organic cold pressed coconut oil (my favorite), sesame oil (which is considered to by some to be one of the best for swishing), sunflower or olive oil. Whichever you choose, it should be pure and organic.

Once you have selected your oil, put a teaspoon of it in your mouth. If using coconut oil, don’t be put off by the fact that at first it is solid – it will melt quickly.

Swish and pull the oil around your mouth and through your teeth. DO NOT SWALLOW IT! Relax. The oil will mix with your saliva turning it into a thin, white liquid. As you continue to swish and pull, the oil absorbs more toxins, ending up thick, viscous and white. Time to spit it out before the toxins are reabsorbed! SPIT! Remember… not down the drain.

Ayurvedic practitioners believed oil pulling would benefit the health overall, helping the lymphatic system as harmful bacteria are removed creating an environment in which beneficial microflora can flourish.

The Benefits

~ Strengthens teeth, gums and jaw ~ Whitens teeth! ~ Prevents bad breath, cavities, gingivitis and other mouth diseases ~ Detoxifies the body of toxins including harmful metals ~ Migraine relief ~ Corrects hormone imbalances ~ May reduce allergy symptoms and sinus congestion ~ Hangover reduction ~ Hydrates and clears up skin (can reduce excema) ~ Helps reduce insomnia ~ Supports kidney function ~ Some report improved vision ~ Reduces inflammation from arthritis ~ May reduce symptoms of bronchitis ~ May help with gastro-enteritis ~ Aids in reducing pain

Pretty extraordinary, huh? There’s more… oil pulling makes you feel good! I feel more alert, my energy increases and I just generally feel happier! Check out Picklee - She is another fan, and reports much of the same effect.

So start swishing! You won’t be disappointed!


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